Elevate Meditate Create
Virtual Retreats and In person retreats
Elevate Meditate Create EMC3
A New Formula for a New Dimension!
Beyond Law of Attraction - Beyond Manifestation - Beyond what you want, is what’s best for the collective.
Beyond trying, striving and doing there’s listening, knowing and “being.”
Heather will “enlighten” and “awaken” you to a new way to see the world in the 5th dimension. Where we don’t have to keep thinking over and over what want or how to manifest something. We know what we need to manifest if we are tapped in and listening to our heart! Let the energy move through you and bring your desires. Stop holding on to what you want and let it come to you! Learn how important letting go is and how to stay in a frequency that allows things to happen for you! Use your abilities to help with the collective in the great awakening! Time for a new formula for life so you can not only survive but thrive. We “mediate” to identify out dated programs that need to be deleted and we create new ones that reboot and upgrade your light body.
Elevate =rising above and out of old energy and lower vibrations (the healing)
Meditate =Observe what your higher self is speaking, tune in (the listening)
Create=Think and imagine things into being (the miracles)
Use your abilities to create not just for yourself but for the collective and at this time on the planet we need to “CREATE” miracles at the speed of thought to create the world in which we desire to live in. It is critical now that we know how to tune into Spirit, God Source, Higher Self, Divine Intelligence to use that energy force within us to create our heaven on earth.
On a Galactic Mission to take you to the next level if your ready! Let’s vibe outta here to the next dimension and tune into a higher frequency. EMC3~
May the Source be with you!
Heaven on Earth is just a frequency away!
Note* This is a mini group retreat offered online and in person. Dates a